Wedding Photography Tips


Taking wedding photograph is not an easy task as it is completely different from taking pictures with standard digital camera. Of course wedding photography provides you an opportunity of some finest decoration and subject. However, there are some concerns you should take care of. As a beginner photographer you will get plenty of opportunities of taking photographs of wedding.  But if you don’t know the basics of taking pictures of a wedding events, the result may not be as you expect. Taking beautiful captures needs skill and passion towards you job. Here are some tips for taking wedding photographs.

Don’t Interrupt the Event

You can’t take photographs whenever you want in a wedding event. A wedding is not about taking photographs only, there are many others things which take place in this occasion. You have to utilize the opportunity you get to take photographs. Beginners always make this mistake of taking photographs in every second. Not only it interrupts the event, but it can be annoying also. Wedding photography is not about quantity, it is about the quality of the photograph. Make sure you are not interrupt the general procedure of the event. Don’t interfere when family and friends are meeting the bride and groom.

Be Prepared

You will need the right kind of weapon to win a battle. If you have a job of covering a wedding event with some beautiful photograph, you will need the right tools for it. A wedding is a very important event in anyone’s life, you should be well prepared. Arrive at the event early, you may get some great shots of the stage. Also give a briefing about the whole photography process before starting to take photographs. Natural shots are the best one in a wedding event, try to take some candid photographs.

The Right Equipment

It is not possible to carry the camera on your hand during the whole event. A tripod can be a very useful tool for taking captures. It will keep your camera still and you will be able to take some great snaps. An extra flash can also be handy during wedding photography. There is no room for error during a wedding, the event will not for your preparation. So be prepared and don’t miss any moment of the wedding. You can also conduct a survey of the venue to select the right lens for the event.


Image editing has become a very important part of digital photography. The photographs you took will need some fine tuning before you can hand over those to your client. There is some useful image editing software you can use for this purpose. For example, Adobe Photoshop and Light room can be the right tools for the editing process. There are many different types of editing, you can crop the photo to remove unwanted object, or you can play with the color and brightness. No matter what kind of editing you do, the end result must enhance the appeal of the photograph.